August 17, 2022

Connecting Communities With Legal Resources


Our client, Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas (LANWTX), is a nonprofit organization that provides free, civil legal help to low-income residents in 114 Texas counties throughout North and West Texas. They came to us back in 2020 to create and execute a mass outreach plan to increase awareness of our Eviction support services. Check out the 2021 Mass Outreach for Legal Resources Case Study here. With the moratorium coming to an end, it was evident that more NorthWest Texans were facing or in danger of facing eviction, or other landlord issues, and were in need of support and resources. Our main target audience was minority and underserved communities which included families, single mothers, individuals and families involved with or looking into government assistance programs, and the elderly. LANWTX has set out to provide free, civil legal help through representation and advocacy, and after the success of the 2021 campaign, LANWTX has looked to our team here at Strategar, to help further provide these resources to our community. 


By leveraging Social Media, Web Banners, Pre-Roll/Trueview Ads, C-Stores and Search Engine Marketing, we created a mass outreach plan to increase awareness of eviction support services provided by LANWTX. Our team utilized Census Data, and conducted our own research to compile demographic and behavioral data to target and provide these necessary resources to the NorthWest Texans that need it most.

*These are the results of the first 2 months of the campaign.*

Mid-Campaign Results, March – May 2022:


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